There are several artists that have suffered rheumatic diseases. Even then, they continued their creative activity. Paul Klee suffered from systemic sclerosis, Dufy and Renoir suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and Gaudí and Boticelli had systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The famous noucentism sculptor, Manolo Hugué, presented chronic polyarthritis that suggested rheumatoid arthritis. Although he underwent several treatments, such as hydrotherapy or diathermic therapy, he had to stop sculpting. Using the chisel was too painful for his hands. He began, then, painting and composing poetry.
Son varios los artistas que, a pesar de haber sufrido enfermedades reumáticas, han proseguido de una manera u otra su actividad creadora. Paul Klee padeció una esclerosis sistémica, Raoul Dufy y Renoir padecieron artritis reumatoide y Gaudí y Boticelli sufrieron una artritis crónica juvenil. El destacado escultor noucentista Manolo Hugué presentó a los 55 años una poliartritis crónica compatible con una artritis reumatoide. A pesar de realizar diversos tratamientos, como la hidroterapia o la diatermia, debió abandonar parcialmente la escultura para dedicarse a la pintura y la poesía. El uso del cincel le hacía mucho daño en las manos.